Avoid OSHA $$$ Fines.
Safer + Faster Filling.
Correctly . . . Every Time.
Diversey JFill Quattro Select JFill Safe Gap (back-flow preventer) cleaning chemicals dispenser unit quickly and easily attaches to any wall (fasteners included.) Holds 4 JFill bottles. Simple push of button, your staff safely and quickly can fill their: bottles, mop buckets + floor cleaning machine tanks.
Top Users
Hospitals, Schools, Office Buildings, Nursing Homes, Universities, Churches, Airports, Theaters, Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Zoos, Manufacturing, Automotive, Resorts + Hotels, Malls, Government, Museums, Fire Departments, Military, etc.
Dispensing unit automatically dilutes ultra concentrate cleaners to the correct dilution -- impressing your local OSHA inspectors who look for the unsafer glug-gluggers.
Locking cabinet for greatest safety + stop theft. Safe gap back flow device meets all local laws for having back-flow prevention device.
Dramatically lowers $$$ cleaning chemical costs over the year up to $13,000 (for large buildings). The secret -- concentrates way, way less than ready-to-use cleaners.
Rugged non-rusting steel cabinet. Locking doors. Also includes: 4' water inlet hose + 8' remove mop bucket filling hose + 8' drip tray drainage hose. Operates in water pressure range of 30-85 psi.
When safety and health of others (including your own) . . . just matters more.