. . . Coronavirus (COVID 19)
Don't risk others lives with whimpy + imposter Coronavirus approved disinfectants . . . karma will get you.
Virex 256 is approved by US EPA as effective against various dangerous, invisible pathogens, including Coronavirus.
Top Users:
Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Day Cares, Doctors Offices, Surgical Centers, Urgent Cares, Airports, Theaters, Tranin Stations, Amusement Parks, Theaters, Stadiums, Resorts + Hotels, Restaurants, Malls, Churches, Museums, Grocery, Automotive, Ambulances, Government, Fire Departments, Military, etc.
Kills microorganisms including Coronavus (COVID), HIV-1, VRE, MRSA, GRSA, MRSE, VISA, PRSP, Herpes Simplex Types 1 & 2, Influenza Type A2, Adenovirus Type 2, Rotavirus and many more.
Highly powerful concentrated quaternary formula provides excellent one-step, cost-effective cleaning and disinfection. Use solution is neutral to floor finish so it will not dull, pit or soften floor finishes.
When health and safety of others (including your own) . . . just matters more.