No Disgusting Hands . . .
Touching Your Cutlery.
Safer One-At-A-Time Cutlery Dispenser.
Dixie Smartstock wrapped cutlery dispenser stops other peoples disgusting + dirty hands from touching the cutlery . . . that you then put in your mouth! No more open bins. Safer + sanitary one-at-a-time cutlery dispenser.
Top Users:
- Cafeterias
- Breakrooms
- Restaurants + Deli
- Hotels + Resorts
- Concessions
- Airports
- Stadiums + Theaters
- Schools + Universities
- Convenience Stores + Gas Stations
Add + order cutlery refills listed below that fit this cutlery dispenser.
Compact black dispenser. Holds 255 forks, spoons and knives. Easy to refill.
When health and safety of others (including your own) . . . just matters more.