Run Out.
That horrible "trapped" feeling of being stuck on the toilet with no toilet paper . . . Georgia Pacific 12798 Jumbo Junior bathroom tissue is ultra soft and absorbent . . . unlike like others that feel like sand paper. These large jumbo rolls of toilet paper equal about 6 standard rolls. So, for high traffic restrooms, you better be using this . . . or, endure the fury of angry folks "trapped".
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- Airports + Train Stations
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EPA Compliant for post consumer fiber percent. Meets or exceeds EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for minimum post consumer recycled fiber content percent. 20% post consumer fiber, 95% minimum total recycled content.
8 large rolls per case. Ultra soft 2ply. 1000 feet per roll . . . means far less run-out complaints. 9" diameter junior jumbo rolls.
When your image and reputation . . . just matters more.