GoJo 5456-04 Purell TFX gel hand sanitizer contains 72% alcohol killing dangerous pathogens, viruses, germs and spores dangerous to the young, elderly and sick.
You have a duty to protect those who can't protect themselves . . . don't fail to act or else . . .
Top Users
Hospitals, Doctors Offices, Surgical Centers, Urgent Care, Nursing Homes, Fitness Centers, Churches, Day Care Centers, Hotels + Resorts, Airports, Theaters, Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Zoos, Manufacturing, Automotive, Grocery, Government, Fire Departments, Military, etc.
Purell Gel. Refills for Purell TFX hand sanitizer dispensers (available separately below).
1200ml refill. 4 refills per case.
When health and safety of others (including your own) . . . just matters more.