Slash Soap Costs $$$.
Simplify Your Facility to One System.
Nexa Concentrates.
Discount Bulk Pack of 4 Bottles
Ecolab 92023328 refillable Nexa bottles can be filled with either of the 3 Nexa concentrates listed below: basic foam soap, antibac foam soap and hand sanitizer. Rather than having too many dispensers . . . each requiring their own specific refill cartridge . . . that you then need to track + order . . . Ecolab Nexa simplifies all of that instantly with: 1 dispenser -- 1 refill cartridge.
Top Users
- Office Buildings
- Airports + Train Stations
- Universities + Schools
- Hospitals + Nursing Homes
- Manufacturing Plants + Automotive
- Hotels + Resorts
- Amusement Parks + Zoos
- Churches
- Malls + Retail Stores
- Restaurants + Deli
- Grocery
- Government
- Fire + Police Stations
- Military
750ml large refill bottle. 4 per case. Holds any of the 3 Nexa concentrates listed below. Fits Ecolab dispensers listed below.
When you just need it done right . . . and faster . . . the first time.