Ecolab® Lime-A-Way Delimer - Gal.

Ecolab® Lime-A-Way Delimer - Gal.

Item # ECO6101131

  • Delimer effectively removes hard water deposits and lime scale from dishmachines and surrounding stainless steel.
Gal., 4/cs
Manufacturer #: 6101131
  • Attacks Pathogens
  • Blasts It Faster
  • Most Popular

Blasts Nastiest Crud + Crap . . . 

Way Faster . . . 

Spare Yourself the Arm-Agony  + Back-Aching

Ecolab 6101131 Lime Away delimer cleaner is a commercial-strength, professional delimer that blasts nastiest, toughest hard water, scale and all the other crud and crap that builds up on various surfaces, such as:  tile, showers, bath tubs, floors, kitchen equipment, etc.) and dish machines.

Unlike whimpy cheapy delimers . . .  Ecolab Limeaway gets it all the first time . . . rather than scrub . . . scrub . . . more damn scrubbing.

  Top  Choice  
Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Restaurants, Grocery, Deli, Cafeterias, Hotels + Resorts, Churches, Casinos, Universities, Schools, Fitness Centers, Airports, Theaters, Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Zoos, Fire + Police Stations, Government, Military, etc.

Lime scale build-up on dish machine rinse arms, nozzles and jets, ice machines and other kitchen equipment is a constant battle that NO ONE likes doing.  They're volunteer when using Ecolab Lime Away!

Ultra concentrate gallon container,  4 gallons per case.  

When you just need it done right . . . and faster . . . the first time.