No Toxic Dyes.
No Irritating Fragrance Chemicals.
E3 FDA + CDC Compliant.
Designed and widely used by healthcare folks who are constantly cleaning their hands . . . this instant hand sanitizer contains no alcohol which horribly dries and chaps skin . . . also contains no toxic dyes and no fragrance additive chemicals that trigger horrible skin reactions in some folks.
Kills coronavirus (Covid 19) plus 99.99% dangerous, invisible pathogens in 30 seconds.
Unlike harsh high alcohol hand sanitizers that absolutely "chemical" burn and obliterate your hands, especially folks in healthcare . . . this engineered with skin conditioners prevent drying and chapping.
No Alcohol = No Drinking Risks + No Fire Hazard Risks:
Unlike traditional hand sanitizers that contain up to 72% alcohol (yes, the same alcohol in liquor) . . . this non-alcohol hand sanitizer is widely used in buildings where alcohol CAN NOT be present: schools, day cares, prisons, mental health, substance abuse treatment and hospitals.
NSF E3 hand sanitizer. USDA BioPreferred. Hypoallergenic.
Instant foam hand sanitizer. 1200ml refill cartridge. 3 per case. Cartridges fit sanitizer dispensers listed below.
When health and safety of others (including your own) . . . just matters more.