Commercial Power
Get Back at A**Hole Vandals . . .
Spray + Wipe Away Toughest Graffiti
Ever wonder that the professionals use to remove graffiti? This.
Professional power graffiti spray remover attacks the nastiest + toughest: spray paint, markers, pen, lipstick, crayon, etc. Get back at the a-hole jerks defacing and trying to tag your property.
Top Users
- Airports + Train Stations
- Theaters + Stadiums
- Schools + Universities
- Restaurants
- Office Buildings
- Retail Stores
- Malls
- Amusement Parks + Zoos
- Parks
- Hospitals
- Government
- Military
Powered by specially engineered solvent that breaks down graffiti faster + easier. Safe to use any washable hard surface.
1. 30 seconds -- spray + let stand for 30 seconds + wipe away with cloth or paper towel
2. 60 seconds -- for tougher graffiti spray + let stand for 60 seconds + wipe away with cloth or paper towel
Large aerosol spray can. 20 ounces. Recyclable when empty.
When you just need it done right . . . and faster . . . the first time.