Janitized® Micro Hygiene Filter

Janitized® Micro Hygiene Filter

Item # AF-JANIVF155

  • For: Karcher Prochem PV12, U-Vac, UPV12, CVU; Sebo Automatic X Series, Essential G series, 300 and 350 mechanical; Windsor Sensor S, Sensor S2, Sensor XP.
Manufacturer #: JAN-IVF155
  • Attacks Pathogens
  • Green + LEED
  • HEPA Spores + Allergy Filter
  • Most Popular


A professoinal, commercial-grade alternative to Windsor 5301ER sensor micro filters. Janitized JANIVF155 Windsor Sensor vacuum filters trap dangerous contaminants that get pulled deep down in carpets and into the air. When you need it done right and fast the first time . . . .