Defender disinfectant tablets are specially designed for use to disinfectant healthcare facilities where "it looks clean" . . . does not cut it . . . it must be clean.
Tablets are convenient and offer a safer + easier alternative to using liquids where correct dilution may . . . or may not . . . be difficult to train all staff accordingly.
Top Users
Hospitals, Surgical Centers, Urgent Cares, Doctors Offices, Nursing Homes, Laboratories, Ambulances, Fire Departments, Day Cares, Fitness Centers, Prisons, Government, Military, etc.
13.1gram tablets. 1 tablet per gallon. 1 minute dissolves to create power healthcare disinfectant cleaner.
1 Tablet = 1 per Gallon Water
500 tablets per case.
When health and safety of others (including your own) . . . just matters more.