Chlorine Bleach - Gal.

Chlorine Bleach - Gal.

Item # 1A-BLEACH

  • Chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite) cleaning solution. Effective basic cleaner of non-critical surfaces. This is NOT a hospital-grade disinfectant bleach
  • Bleaches are chemically unstable
  • Not for high-level disinfection. Dilute per label
  • 6 gallons per case. Clear
Gal., 6/cs
Manufacturer #: 1A-BLEACH
  • Attacks Pathogens
  • Most Popular

Old School . . . .

Cleaning Option.

Value bleach option for non-healthcare facilities.  Healthcare facilities are strongly advised to use Clorox Healthcare power bleach available below.  

Bleach specially engineered for cleaning commercial-type environments such as . . . schools, universities, day care, restaurants, resorts & hotels, airports, theaters, stadiums, fitness centers, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, military, etc.  

Effective cleaning bleach (sodium hypochlorite) for washable, non-critical surfaces.  

1 gallon containers.  6 per case.

All bleaches are not chemically stable, which means their disinfecting power drops way, way low when heavy dirt, cold water and time.  Thus, the reason why you rarely see hospitals and doctors offices using bleach anymore to disinfectant and clean . . . it's not as reliable as other disinfectant cleaners.  Additionally, toxic fumes result when bleach comes in contact with ammonia . . . you don't want to explain to managers and others why the building had to be evacuated and fire trucks swarming out front.  

When you need it done right  . . . and faster . . . the first time.