Crown Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper

Crown Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper - 24" x 32", Black

Crown Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper

Over 2400 rubber fingertips/sq. ft. work vigorously to remove debris. Flexible surface offers anti-fatigue comfort. Beveled edges reduce tripping hazard. Easy to keep clean. Heavy traffic. Use outdoors. Material: Molded rubber. Thickness: 5/8". Black only.

CR-MAFG62BLK Crown Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper - 36" x 72", Black

CR-MASK29BLK Crown Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper - 32" x 39", Black

CR-MASR42BLK Crown Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper - 24" x 32", Black